--[[ Note: If you set the amount to a high value (over 1000), make sure you also execute an anti-cheat bypass as well ]] for _, v in ipairs(getgc(true)) do -- // Make sure is a table and narrow it down to the class stats table if (typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "damn") and rawget(v, "berz")) then -- Multiplies your defence by 500 v.revolver.basestats.defmod = 500 -- Multiplies your reload speed by 500 v.revolver.basestats.reloadmod = 500 -- Multiplies your accuracy by 500 v.revolver.basestats.accmod = 500 -- Multiplies something, I don't know what it is so im setting it to 500 ;p v.revolver.basestats.shovemod = 500 -- Multiplies the amount of scrap you salvage from an item by 500 v.revolver.basestats.scavmod = 500 -- Sets your PERK revolver's range to 500 studs v.revolver.activestats.revolver_range = 500 -- Sets your PERK revolver's base damage by 500 v.revolver.activestats.revolver_damage = 500 -- Multiplies your PERK revolver's headshot damage by 500 (What's 500 x 500, kids?) v.revolver.activestats.revolver_headshot_multi = 500 -- Sets your ability cooldown to 0.1 v.revolver.activestats.cooldown = 0.1 end end