local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 3000 local HRP = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local Area = game:GetService("Workspace") local PartContainer = Instance.new("Folder", Area) PartContainer.Name = "PartContainer" local placeholder = false local TPBypass TPBypass = hookfunction(getrawmetatable(game).__namecall, newcclosure(function(self, ...) local Arg = {...} if self.Name == "Returner" and Arg[1] == "idklolbrah2de" then return " ___XP DE KEY" end return TPBypass(self, ...) end)) local function PickUpMounts() local Part1 = Instance.new("Part", Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer")) local Part2 = Instance.new("Part", Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer")) Part1.Anchored = true Part1.Name = "Part1" Part1.Size = Vector3.new(25,25,25) Part1.Orientation = Vector3.new(90,0,0) Part1.Transparency = 1 Part2.Name = "Part2" Part2.Anchored = true Part2.Orientation = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Part2.Size = Vector3.new(5000,5,5000) Part2.Transparency = 1 end local function SecondChance() local JumpFrame = Instance.new("Part", Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer")) JumpFrame.Anchored = true JumpFrame.Name = "JumpFrame" JumpFrame.Transparency = 1 JumpFrame.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2) end local function Clear() if Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer") then for _, v in pairs(Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer"):GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Part") then v:Destroy() wait() end end else placeholder = true end end local function SeeknDestroy() for _, v in pairs(Area:FindFirstChild("Ding"):GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Part") and v then v:Destroy() elseif v:IsA("LocalScript") then v:Destroy() end end end game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Wait.", Text = "Destroying Kill Bricks And Barriers...", Duration = 3.5,}) local function DestroyKicks() for _, v in pairs(Area:FindFirstChild("BarrierRoofKicks"):GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Part") and v then v.Parent = Area:FindFirstChild("Ding") end end wait(.3) SeeknDestroy() end DestroyKicks() local function DestroyWalls() for _, v in pairs(Area:FindFirstChild("Barriers"):GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Part") and v then v.Parent = Area:FindFirstChild("Ding") end end wait(.3) SeeknDestroy() end DestroyWalls() local function DestroyFling() for _, v in pairs(LocalPlayer.Character:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("LocalScript") and v.Name == "DisableFling" then v.Parent = Area:FindFirstChild("Ding") end end wait(.3) SeeknDestroy() end DestroyFling() local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input) if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then local status = HRP PickUpMounts() while not status ~= nil do wait() Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer").Part1.CFrame = HRP.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,12.5) Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer").Part2.CFrame = HRP.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-4.755,-3) Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer").Part2.CFrame = HRP.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-5,-3) end end end) Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(KeyPressed) if KeyPressed == "]" then SecondChance() wait() Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer").JumpFrame.CFrame = HRP.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,800,0) HRP.CFrame = Area:FindFirstChild("PartContainer").JumpFrame.CFrame wait(.05) Clear() end end) UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input) if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3 then Clear() end end) wait(1) game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Loaded.", Text = "Script Success.", Duration = 3,})