_G.Enabled = true local useGolden = true local event = workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES:FindFirstChild("buy egg") local rprint local Normal_Eggs = {} local Golden_Eggs = {} local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Eggs = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Game").Eggs if rconsolewarn then rconsoleclear() rprint = rconsolewarn else rprint = print end function Time(Tick) if typeof(Tick) ~= "number" then return warn('Integer expected, got', typeof(Tick)) end local Tick = tick() - Tick local Weeks = math.floor(math.floor(math.floor(math.floor(Tick / 60) / 60) / 24) / 7) local Days = math.floor(math.floor(math.floor(Tick / 60) / 60) / 24) local Hours = math.floor(math.floor(Tick / 60) / 60) local Minutes = math.floor(Tick / 60) local Seconds = math.floor(Tick) local MilliSeconds = (Tick * 1000) local Format = "" if Weeks > 0 then Format = Format .. string.format("%d Week/s, ", Weeks) end if Days > 0 then Format = Format .. string.format("%d Day/s, ", Days % 7) end if Hours > 0 then Format = Format .. string.format("%d Hour/s, ", Hours % 24) end if Minutes > 0 then Format = Format .. string.format("%d Minute/s, ", Minutes % 60) end if Seconds > 0 then Format = Format .. string.format("%d Second/s, ", Seconds % 60) end if MilliSeconds > 0 then Format = Format .. string.format("%d Ms", MilliSeconds % 1000) end return Format end local startTick = tick() for _,eggFolder in pairs(Eggs:GetChildren()) do for _,eggName in pairs(eggFolder:GetChildren()) do if string.find(eggName.Name, "Golden") then table.insert(Golden_Eggs, eggName.Name) else table.insert(Normal_Eggs, eggName.Name) end end task.wait() end rprint("Added all eggs to database. Took "..tostring(Time(startTick))) while _G.Enabled == true and wait(0.05) do local args = {} local normalegg = Normal_Eggs[math.random(1, #Normal_Eggs)] local goldenegg = Golden_Eggs[math.random(1, #Golden_Eggs)] if useGolden == true then if math.random(1,2) == 1 then args = {normalegg, false} rprint("[Mastery Farm] Buying: "..normalegg) else args = {goldenegg, false} rprint("[Mastery Farm] Buying: "..goldenegg) end else args = {normalegg, false} rprint("[Mastery Farm] Buying: "..normalegg) end local e = event:InvokeServer(args) repeat wait() until e ~= nil rprint("Running Time: "..tostring(Time(startTick))) end